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ClamshellsSingle-Sided Clamshells

Single-Sided Clamshells
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Cavities are tapered from open to closed end. Cavity dimensions represent the smallest dimensions, which occur at the closed end.
Overall Outside Dimensions Cavity Dimensions Insert Card Dimensions
Part # Length "A" Width "B" Thickness Length "C" Width "D" Depth "E" Length "F" Width "H" Case Qty Buy Info
207TF (P) 7.437 3.625 0.020 0.937 0.937 1.500 6.437 3.140 500
037266 4.375 2.688 0.015 1.000 1.625 0.688 3.437 2.468 300
966392 3.750 1.875 0.015 1.062 1.062 0.500 2.937 1.687 500
083315 4.813 2.688 0.015 1.125 1.750 0.875 4.031 2.500 250
843681 4.813 2.688 0.015 1.187 1.875 0.500 4.031 2.500 300
279TF 7.000 5.000 0.015 1.187 2.875 0.236 5.750 4.343 400
251523 3.806 1.938 0.015 1.195 1.600 0.750 2.647 1.411 500
326374 4.375 2.688 0.015 1.250 1.750 1.000 3.437 2.468 300
034532 4.000 1.562 0.015 1.562 0.813 0.875 3.062 1.375 500
179TF 5.687 4.062 0.015 1.562 2.250 1.375 4.605 3.660 500
176TF 5.687 4.062 0.015 1.562 2.312 1.062 4.605 3.660 500
101TF 6.125 3.125 0.012 1.812 1.812 0.875 4.937 2.562 1000
100TF 6.125 3.125 0.010 1.875 1.875 0.500 4.937 2.562 1000
102TF 6.125 3.125 0.012 1.875 1.875 0.687 4.937 2.562 1000
275TF 7.000 5.000 0.015 1.875 1.875 1.812 5.750 4.343 400
180TF 5.687 4.062 0.015 1.875 2.250 0.800 4.605 3.660 500
91TF 6.000 2.312 0.015 2.000 1.062 0.750 4.900 1.812 1000
285TF 7.000 5.000 0.015 2.000 1.562 0.316 5.750 4.343 400
105TF 6.125 3.125 0.010 2.000 2.000 0.187 4.937 2.562 1000
449346 5.500 3.625 0.018 2.062 2.813 1.000 4.531 3.406 50
181TF 5.687 4.062 0.015 2.125 3.250 0.800 4.605 3.660 500
210TF 7.437 3.625 0.015 2.250 1.625 1.055 6.437 3.140 500
177TF 5.687 4.062 0.015 2.312 3.312 0.322 4.605 3.660 500
287TF 7.000 5.000 0.020 2.312 3.375 1.437 5.750 4.343 400
827808 5.587 2.938 0.015 2.369 2.525 0.750 4.430 2.386 160
65TF 4.875 2.000 0.030 2.500 1.125 1.500 3.500 1.590 770
046458 6.438 2.688 0.020 2.500 1.813 1.437 5.406 2.468 150
202TF 7.437 3.625 0.015 2.500 2.250 1.250 6.437 3.140 500
284TF 7.000 5.000 0.015 2.625 2.875 1.000 5.750 4.343 400
398294 5.587 2.938 0.017 2.674 2.580 2.000 4.381 2.344 450
341719 5.625 2.875 0.020 2.688 1.875 1.750 4.594 2.688 150
200TF (S) 7.437 3.625 0.015 2.750 2.375 1.000 6.437 3.140 500
209TF 7.437 3.625 0.015 2.750 2.437 0.500 6.437 3.140 500
215TF 7.437 3.625 0.015 2.937 2.562 0.500 6.437 3.140 500
107TF 6.125 3.125 0.012 3.187 0.937 0.625 4.937 2.562 1000
416830 6.438 2.688 0.025 3.187 1.688 2.125 5.406 2.468 125
108TF 6.125 3.125 0.015 3.250 1.312 1.000 4.937 2.562 500
208TF 7.437 3.625 0.015 3.375 1.625 1.101 6.437 3.140 500
418TF 8.125 5.000 0.020 3.375 3.067 1.313 7.125 4.375 300
001636 6.588 2.938 0.017 3.424 2.580 1.250 5.384 2.354 400
049393 6.588 3.940 0.017 3.424 3.580 1.250 5.384 3.354 320
211TF 7.437 3.625 0.020 3.500 1.750 1.375 6.437 3.140 500
123TF 6.375 3.475 0.0285 3.562 2.300 2.170 5.000 3.050 300
243TFM 7.535 3.680 0.019 3.719 2.719 0.750 6.473 3.118 320
242TFM 7.535 3.680 0.019 3.719 2.719 1.250 6.473 3.118 320
278TF 7.000 5.000 0.020 3.875 3.250 1.500 5.750 4.343 400
277TF (S) 7.000 5.000 0.020 3.875 3.500 2.000 5.750 4.343 400
376TF 9.750 3.562 0.015 4.000 1.937 1.312 8.500 3.083 400
417TF 8.125 5.000 0.015 4.010 2.196 1.101 7.125 4.375 300
240TFM 7.535 3.680 0.019 4.023 2.898 0.938 6.473 3.118 320
413TF 8.125 5.000 0.015 4.062 1.937 0.500 7.125 4.375 300
407TF (S) 8.125 5.000 0.020 4.062 4.062 1.625 7.125 4.375 300
375TF 9.750 3.562 0.015 4.125 2.000 1.000 8.500 3.083 400
204TF 7.437 3.625 0.015 4.187 1.687 1.000 6.437 3.140 500
419TF 8.125 5.000 0.020 4.229 3.891 1.990 7.125 4.375 300
023020 6.700 4.200 0.017 4.250 3.460 1.075 5.748 3.738 270
416TF 8.125 5.000 0.015 4.285 3.849 1.038 7.125 4.375 300
421TF (S) 8.125 5.000 0.015 4.310 1.751 1.073 7.125 4.375 300
420TF 8.125 5.000 0.020 4.318 3.940 1.990 7.125 4.375 300
585TF 10.875 6.812 0.020 4.428 5.881 1.750 9.750 6.250 225
292TF 9.062 4.375 0.020 4.437 1.625 2.177 7.937 3.812 250
206TF 7.437 3.625 0.020 4.437 2.125 1.312 6.437 3.140 500
412TF 8.125 5.000 0.020 4.437 2.562 1.312 7.125 4.375 300
350TFM 9.500 4.975 0.020 4.811 3.421 1.080 8.438 4.538 240
414TF 8.125 5.000 0.015 4.875 3.000 0.957 7.125 4.375 300
503TF 10.750 5.125 0.018 4.910 4.305 1.422 9.625 4.587 300
262TF 8.000 3.500 0.015 4.937 2.000 1.000 6.937 2.968 500
079132 11.000 5.200 0.020 4.975 4.360 1.437 9.658 4.613 120
214TF 7.437 3.625 0.015 5.062 0.562 0.625 6.437 3.14 500
405TF 8.125 5.000 0.015 5.062 3.375 1.687 7.125 4.375 300
212TF 7.437 3.625 0.020 5.063 1.156 1.375 6.437 3.140 500
583TF 10.875 6.812 0.020 5.123 4.590 2.125 9.750 6.250 200
751TF 9.375 7.250 0.015 5.125 5.125 0.500 8.250 6.625 350
379TF 9.750 3.562 0.020 5.187 1.500 2.165 8.500 3.083 400
592969 7.588 2.938 0.020 5.424 2.580 1.250 6.381 2.344 350
409TF 8.250 4.938 0.0200 5.563 3.188 1.625 7.125 4.343 300
294TF 9.062 4.375 0.015 5.625 2.437 0.900 7.937 3.812 400
415TF 8.125 5.000 0.020 5.625 4.250 1.187 7.125 4.375 300
424TF 8.125 5.000 0.015 5.655 4.225 0.375 7.125 4.375 300
576TF 10.875 6.812 0.015 5.750 5.750 1.375 9.750 6.250 250
408TF 8.125 5.000 0.020 5.812 3.375 0.625 7.125 4.375 300
423TF 8.125 5.000 0.015 5.817 3.895 0.796 7.125 4.375 300
377TF 9.750 3.562 0.018 5.875 1.812 1.625 8.500 3.083 400
201TF 7.437 3.625 0.015 5.875 1.875 1.031 6.437 3.140 500
244TFM 7.535 3.680 0.019 5.917 2.258 1.097 6.473 3.118 320
401TF 8.125 5.000 0.020 6.000 2.562 1.312 7.125 4.375 300
402TF 8.125 5.000 0.020 6.000 2.562 2.000 7.125 4.375 300
293TF 9.062 4.375 0.015 6.000 2.812 0.400 7.937 3.812 400
351TFM 9.500 4.975 0.020 6.078 2.578 1.500 8.438 4.538 240
589TF 10.875 6.812 0.015 6.210 5.994 1.542 9.750 6.250 250
753TF 9.375 7.250 0.020 6.362 5.766 1.557 8.250 6.625 225
378TF 9.750 3.520 0.018 6.375 0.562 1.125 8.500 3.083 400
291TF 9.062 4.375 0.015 6.812 0.625 0.500 7.937 3.812 400
905TF 11.062 9.375 0.025 7.166 7.912 2.488 9.937 8.687 150
501TF 10.75 5.125 0.015 7.805 3.341 1.096 9.625 4.587 350
507TF 10.75 5.125 0.020 8.034 2.744 1.305 9.625 4.587 300
502TF 10.75 5.125 0.020 8.577 3.847 1.408 9.625 4.587 300
661TF 13.000 6.150 0.020 10.123 3.711 2.185 11.760 5.550 250
606TF 14.500 5.125 0.015 10.483 4.314 1.493 13.312 4.687 200
604TF 14.500 5.125 0.015 10.494 4.332 1.025 13.312 4.687 200
  • All dimensions are approximate. Manufacturing tolerances are available upon request.
  • (S) Designates the clamshell can stand on its base as well as hang from peg hooks.
  • (P) Designates pyramid shaped cavity which is 1.000 x 1.000 at cavity base.
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